If you are not happy with your smile, you can connect with a dental professional, and they will suggest you go for veneers. It can help improve confidence and achieve the smile that one feels happy with. But people have a lot of questions about dental veneers in their minds. So, continue reading the find answers to the most commonly asked veneer questions.

Who should go for veneers?

If someone wishes to go for veneers, they should have good overall health. Most commonly, male patients above 18 are only suitable for veneers, and female patients above 14 or 16 are preferred. If someone has a habit of chewing their fingernails or other types of items, they need to get rid of this habit before going for veneers. They should have fully developed dentition.

Do veneers hurt?

Dentists make sure to offer local anesthesia so that patients do not face any kind of pain when they go for veneers. Dentists can help you understand the overall procedure easily, and you can rest assured that you will not face any kind of pain.

How long will veneers last?

If you go for porcelain veneers, they can last for around 20 years. If you take care of your oral health, they can even last for longer. Make sure to go for regular dental appointments and cleanings. Schedule one every 6 months to increase your veneer’s life by 10 more years.

How to take care of porcelain veneers?

To take care of the veneers, you need to just treat them like your teeth. Make sure to brush at least twice a day and floss once. Go for regular checkups and rely on a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do not go for whitening toothpastes, as they can damage the veneers.

Can there be cavities?

When you go for veneers, there will not be cavities. However, if the seal of the porcelain veneer is interrupted, the bacteria may affect your teeth, and this can result in cavities. However, this is not common. But if you see any such signs, it is crucial to connect with your dentist at the earliest. They can provide you with the best solutions.

About Midway Dental Laboratory:

Midway Dental Laboratory is one of the most trusted laboratories that you can visit if you wish to go for Emax veneers. All the professionals at this laboratory are experienced and have the right skills and expertise to provide you with satisfactory appliances.

To get dental veneers, visit https://midway-dentallab.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/48JVM62